How to fix your roof leakage Quickly in less than 20 minutes

Home leaking roof maintenance is one of the major parts of routine, but the hiring of worthy professionals is difficult and mostly unaffordable for many homeowners. For minor leaking roofs it is better to avail instant methods of fixing. Here we are describing a few methods of fixing leaking roofs that are less time consuming and long lasting.

1:  Use of tarpaulin: 

If you want to avoid wasting money and time on fixing a minor leaking roof then you need to know the leaking area of the roof. To make sure the availability of tarp in an appropriate size depends on the size of the leaking area. You can make tarp at home by using waterproofed old clothes pieces and plastic bags/sheets. Waterproofed tarp roof covers are easily available in the market. You must purchase tarp one time in suitable size and use it to cover the roof on rainy days.

When it's confirmed that you are already supplied with tarp and leaking area is known so the next step is to clean and dry the leaking area. Now spread the tarp and cover all leaking areas of the roof. But here you must make a fix and secure tarp from air displacing on the roof. For this purpose, put blocks bricks or other heavy blocks on all over the tarp.

2: Rapid hardening and quick setting cement:

This remedy is for all types of leaking. Use of Rapid hardening and quacking setting cement is one of the best options to fix leaking roofs immediately as it takes just a few minutes and is more reliable. If the roof is of concrete, then simply put cement in cracks or on leaking hair like the line area of the roof. It only takes 5 minutes to get hard and set. In other cases, such as roof is made up of wood or raw metal then make required size cement flattened block in cotton block and cover the leaking area with it whenever you need to stop leakage.

3: cracked tiles leaking fixing

if the leakage is due to roof tiles cracks then you need to apply roof sealer material on tiles cracks area. The procedure of applying sealing material is simple and quick. First remove cracked tile carefully and clean the beneath area before applying cracks repairing material such as hairline sealing, hydraulic cement plaster and caulks. After cleaning of debris the next step is to apply sealer properly. Now place the tile back on in the correct position and fill the top of the tile crack with the same sealer. Let it set and dry.

4: shingle leakage solution

To sort out shingle leakage, first find the area of leaking. Shingle leakage can be fixed by using a quality sealer. Most roofing experts recommend the use of asphalt sealer or plastic cement where the leaking area is small. But in case of a large area shingle leaking, you must replace that part with a new one. The procedure of applying sealer is as described for cracked tiles leaking, fixing the difference is with shingle leaking area may include holes or flashes. So, it needs to follow more precaution and care during the process of fixing roof shingles leaking.

The above fixes re for those when there is no emergency roof leaking service available to you and you can't take further risk. As soon as the situation is normal you should ask for a professional roofer to get your roof thoroughly inspected and take measures to make it permanent fix for few more years to come.


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