The Do’s and Don’ts of Asphalt Shingle Roof Maintenance in Michigan

The roof is the major investment when building a house for home owners. With huge investment comes huge responsibility as well for the maintenance. Regular maintenance checks and cleaning gives your asphalt roof a longer lifespan. Some do’s and don’ts shared below will save you from costly repairs. To give your roof a long and a good life it is best to have a proactive approach. Not only are asphalt shingles an important part but all other components of the roof are important and should be taken care of. Make sure to clean and inspect other areas of your roof as well. These include the vents, flashings, gutters, skylights and solar panels if installed. Some Do’s for your Asphalt Shingle Roof are: · Clear any debris or unwanted items: Ensure that the roof is cleared of any debris, branches or any other items that could damage the flow of the water or cause and hindrance. You need to keep a clean roof so shingles can maintain their life....