How To De-ice Your Roofs In Winters

De-Icing is the process of removing snow layers from the rooftop. Removing the snow is necessary because if you don’t remove ice from the roof it will damage your roof material. Thick icicles hanging around the roof and heavy snow are normal in winters. But removing the snow is necessary to save yourself from working in winters. There are a couple of things which you can do to get rid of ice from the roof.

Things To Do Before De-icing:

De-icing is an important step to do, so for this you have to remove icing by choosing the methods which your roof requires in order to save your shingles from any damage. Ice on the roof can be in many forms some of which are mentioned below:

  • Ice dam (sharp ice that hangs around the roof and prevents melting snow from tapping off the roof). They can be formed due to poor attic insulation and lack of roof ventilation.
  • Gutters that are frozen and downspouts.

Steps For De-icing Your Roof:

Now that you have some knowledge about de-icing. We will explain some of the de-icing methods down below in detail.

Manually Removing The Ice:

You can remove the ice manually if it doesn’t exceed the normal ice limit. Use a shovel to remove the ice from your roof or you can use a snow rake for removing the ice which is a great idea to remove the ice.

Use Of Chemicals For De-icing:

Chemicals for de-icing work well on roofs. You spread the thick layer of chemical on the top of the ice and later it will melt the whole roof ice. Be careful while using some of the chemicals as they do damage to your roof and should not be used on a roof. These chemicals include sodium chloride and calcium chloride. For thick blocks like ice, use liquid de-icer. Powdery de-icers work slowly as compared to liquid de-icers. 

Use Of Warm Water:

This is a DIY kind of a method if you can do it by yourself it is a simple way but not a permanent or long-lasting solution plus it’s a time-consuming way of removing the ice and also tiring as well. For this, you are going to be using the empty spray bottle which you will fill with hot water. Always remember that safety comes first so take extra gearing or protective measures to save yourself from any kind of unpleasant incident.

Use Of Ice Pick For De-icing The Ice Dams:

You can use the gear called ice pick for removing the ice dams that are present around the roof in the form of ice hanging that prevents the melting of ice as well as blocks the ice water from getting out of the roof.

For ice dams, you will be needing stairs and a piece of ice pick for breaking and crushing the ice dams.

De-icing is not a hard job to do. But if you still find it difficult then give a call to the professional ice removers from a nearby location as they can help you. And if you need any assistance or you have any queries always ask a professional before starting any roof related work.

Call for a free consultation at 734-548-9911 or visit online at


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