How to Repair Your Damaged Roof

A roof can suffer damage for many different reasons. Some of the most common causes of roof damage are: poor roof maintenance, which is really important because regular inspection and maintenance will prevent small minor damage from becoming a major problem or leak; wind damage, now that a light wind can loosen nails in roofing materials, imagine what a strong wind can cause; most roofing materials can be damaged over time by exposure to various weather conditions, especially if you live in an area likely to see large snow accumulations; and problems with flashing. You can stop all these problems by hiring a roofing contractorin downriver Michigan but for minor scale damages, you can do the repairing by yourself.

How to Repair Your Damaged Roof like a Downriver Michigan Roofing Contractor Worker
Thanks to all the causes previously mentioned a lot of things can happen to your roof, just like cracks or blisters in the roofing material; and damaged curled or missing tiles. Therefore, leaks and other internal damages may show up with time. The moment all these problems occur it is time to call your roofing contractors in Downriver Michigan or you can put your protective gloves on and put your hands to work.
Before You Start
Make sure the nails are embedded securely into the felt and sheathing. Because the roof is sloped, make sure you layer the shingles from bottom to top, overlapping the top set with the bottom. Rent a nail gun. Most can be rented for about $20 a day. The standard width between each row of shingles is 5 inches.
For the damaged Sheathing
After cleaning the debris and reframing the roof, lay down a base (sheathing). Measure the opening of the section of roof to be shingled, cut the plywood to size and nail to roof rafters. Stagger the sheathing in a brick pattern for extra strength. Continue to install in a brick pattern, staggering the plywood seams until the open area is covered.
Lay Felt Paper
Start by stapling the 6-inch starter strip at the bottom section of roof leaving a 1-inch overhang on the eave to ensure drainage into the gutters. Going from the bottom up, lay and nail the remaining felt layers with a 2-inch overlap.
For the Shingle installation
Lay the first row of shingles starting at a bottom corner of the roof. Place a base row of shingles following the chalk lines on the felt and move upward in a pyramid sure you layer the existing shingles on top of the new.
Use six nails per shingle for maximum hold. Always nail on the tar strip. Continue working your way across and up the roof, following your initial pyramid base. 






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